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"Abraham Lincoln's Assassination." History, 07 May 2020, - This page goes into detail about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and provides more insight into the nation's reaction to the death of their president and the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth.

"Benazir Bhutto." History, 21 Aug. 2018, - A detailed biography of the life of Benazir Bhutto, including her assassination

Berenbaum, Michael. "Kristallnacht." Encylcopædia Britannica, 13 Feb. 2020, - Information about Kristallnacht, the devastating night of violence towards Jewish communities by German Nazis, and how the assassination of Ernst vom Rath ties into its causation.

"Charlotte Corday assassinates French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat." History, 28 July 2019, - Provides an account of the assassination of Jean Paul Marat, including context of his revolutionary life. 

Dash, Mike. "The Origin of the Tale that Gavrilo Princip Was Eating a Sandwich When He Assassinated Franz Ferdinand." Smithsonian Magazine, 15 Sept. 2011, - Explains and debunks the tale of Gavrilo Princip and the sandwich that started World War I. This is an interesting story that goes with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and while fun to imagine it unfortunately doesn't seem to have any sound factual backing.

"Franz Ferdinand." Biography, 17 Apr. 2019, - A detailed biography of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, that includes information about his family life and political leanings, as well as his assassination.

"Giuliano de'Medici." National Gallery of Art, - Provides a brief overview of Giuliano de'Medici's assassination and goes into detail about the Botticelli portrait of Medici. It includes interesting information related to art history, as well as some theories behind the painting. 

"Indira Gandhi." Encylcopædia Britannica, 20 Feb. 2020, - A detailed biography of the life and policies of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. 

"John F. Kennedy." History, 28 Feb. 2020, A detailed biography of the life and policies of President John F. Kennedy

"Pazzi Conspiracy." Encylcopædia Britannica, 03 May 2011, In-depth summary of the Pazzi Conspiracy and the plot to assassinate Giuliano and Lorenzo de' Medici.

Sterling, Emily. "Maceo Snipes: A Man Whose Death Inspired the Teenager Who Led the Movement." The Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases Project at Emory University, - Overview of the assassination of Maceo Snipes and how this event inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. and connected to the Civil Rights movement. 
